Mira si hem corregut terres… new CD with Carles Dénia

Spanish Brass has just released their CD “Mira si hem corregut terres…”, recorded with singer Carles Dénia.
Spanish Brass has just released their CD “Mira si hem corregut terres…”, recorded with singer Carles Dénia.
We are preparing a new recording work which we have been looking forward to for a long time, and finally we’ve found time and energy to bring it to fruition.
And… we think this is a good moment to ask for your help and for you to become part of this wonderful project.
By collaborating in crowdfunding, you will be a “producer” of this recording and it is also the best way to be sure you’ll be one of the first to enjoy it.
The VI SBALZ International Composition Competition is organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, Alzira Counciland Spanish Brass, to promote the creation of original music for brass quintet (2 trumpets, French horn, trombone and tuba), expanding the brass quintet repertoire and giving this music the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene.
Works must be sent by May 15, 2019 at the latest.
Spanish Brass is working on its new recording project, XXX, to celebrate its 30 anniversary.
You can order it before February 1 for a special discounted price on: sbedicions.com/producto/xxx
El festival se celebrará del 3 al 7 de julio en Alzira (Valencia) y contará en las especialidades de trompeta, trompa, trombón, tuba y bombardino y música de cámara con los siguientes profesores:
Jens Lindemann (Alemania): Es profesor de High Distinction en UCLA y dirige el programa de verano de viento-metal en el Banff Centre de Canadá. Fue miembro de Canadian Brass.
Luis González: Solista internacional. Profesor del Musikene de San Sebastián y en el Conservatori del Liceu de Barcelona.
Carlos Benetó: Miembro de Spanish Brass.
Juanjo Serna: Miembro de Spanish Brass.
MASTER CLASS: Patri Soler: Trompeta solista de la Banda Municipal de Barcelona.
Miklos Nagy (Hungría): Trompa solista de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Luxemburgo y miembro del Budapest Wind Ensemble.
Nancy Joy (EE.UU.): Profesora asociada de la New Mexico State University y rompa solista de Las Cruces Symphony en la New Mexico State University y segunda trompa de la El Paso Symphony Orchestra y El Paso Opera Company.
Javier Bonet: Trompa de la Orquesta Nacional de España y profesor de la ESMUC de Barcelona.
Manolo Pérez: Miembro de Spanish Brass.
Jacques Mauger (Francia): Profesor del Conservatorio HEM de Laussane (Suiza) y solista internacional.
Alberto Urretxo: Solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bilbao y profesor de Repertorio de Orquesta y Música de Cámara en el Conservatorio Superior de Euskadi (Musikene).
Carlos Gil: Profesor del Conservatorio Profesional de Música José Iturbi de Valencia.
Inda Bonet: Miembro de Spanish Brass.
Arnaud Boukhitine (Francia): Profesor de Tuba del CNSM de Lyon.
Vicente López: Catedrático del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Alicante.
Sergio Finca: Miembro de Spanish Brass.
Spanish Brass
George Foreman (EE.UU.): “Conferencia sobre Jules Levy y moderador en el Maratón del Carnaval de Venècia para corneta y piano de diversos compositores”
Xavier Piquer: “Taller Brass-Apps, tecnología aplicada al estudio del instrumento”
¡Inscríbete ya en: www.sbalz.com!
The V SBALZ International Composition Competition, organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, seeks to promote the creation of original music for Brass Quintet, (2 trumpets, french horn, trombone and tuba) with the goal of expanding the repertoire and giving music for Brass Quintet the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene. This competition is open to composers from any country and to works in any style.
Works should be sent to the Festival Office on June 1, 2018 at the latest.
For further information: www.sbalz.com
Download rules:
Puro de Oliva is the title of a new show created by the Spanish Brass quintet and Spanish composer and flamenco-jazz pianist Chano Domínguez.
This show received its world premier with great success during the closing concert of the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival (www.sbalz.com) on July 1st.
For this show, Chano Domínguez composed a new piece for brass quintet and piano entitled Never Settle for the Oyster Light. The rest of the program consisted of other pieces by Chano that he arranged for Spanish Brass, piano and percussion, including Solo con verte, Mi Prima de Riesgo, De Cadi a New Orleans and Rumba Pa Jerry.
This project was born from a meeting between Spanish Brass and Chano Domínguez, who attended a concert by the quintet near Seattle (USA). A magic connection emerged between the musicians that led them to decide to share experiences on stage.