Spanish Brass announces a new tour in the United States 202412/18/2023Spanish Brass will embark on three tours in the United States this year, starting the first one on January 5. A month of concerts, educational performances, and masterclasses will take them through Hawai’i, Illinois, New York, Oregon, California, and Texas. During this tour, the quintet will present their new artistic proposal, celebrating their 35th anniversary by returning to their purest roots as a brass quintet. They will intertwine some of the most significant works from their career with new compositions or adaptations written expressly for the occasion.
Spanish Brass (a) LIVE, wins 2021 Carles Santos Award11/29/2021Our new "Carles Santos » award has already met with his colleagues. Thanks to all of you who took the time to congratulate us. The whole Spanish Brass team is very happy for this new recognition. Thanks again!
Spanish Brass and Maite Gil premiered Un po' di Fellini11/23/2020Spanish Brass and Maite Gil premiered Un po' di Fellini
Spanish Brass Awarded the National Music Prize of Spain10/15/2020Spanish Brass Awarded the National Music Prize of Spain Spanish Brass has been awarded the 2020 National Music Prize from Spain's Ministry of Culture. This award, Spain's highest musical honor, recognizes the Valencian ensemble's trajectory for more than three decades The jury awarded Spanish Brass this prize to recognize "the totality of its extensive career over more than 30 years as one of the most versatile and relevant brass quintets on the national and international scene. They also highlighted "the numerous collaborations that demonstrate the quintet's commitment to contemporary Spanish culture" and "their vocation as educators, which has kept them in the forefront of bringing music to the younger generation." Spanish Brass would like to thank the jury of the Prize and the Spain’s Ministry of Culture for having awarded the group this distinction, and they congratulate Raquel García Tomás, who received the prize for composition, and Chano Domínguez, who received the price for new musics.
Thanks to everyone who has collaborated in the crowd-funding campaign for our CD "Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules"12/19/2019Thanks to everyone who has collaborated in the crowd-funding campaign for our CD "Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules" Very special thanks to Bags - Salvador Andreu / Instrumentomanía Special thanks to Musical Campos - Nadia Giner - Paula Sais García - Viatges Guadassuar - Lucía Murillo Francés - Arts Gràfiques Garcia Besó . Alaquàs - Luis González - Família Peris Pallàs - Tot per l’Aire - Salva Tarrasó - Imma Cucarella i Àngel Perez - Belén Quirós y Raúl Finca - Kakun - Eduardo Benetó Grau - Nancy Joy - Sis Veus - Carlos Gil Ferrer - Púrpura Pansa - KamBrass Quintet - Celestino Luna y Mónica Déniz - Matías López López - Andrés Valero-Castells - Elisa Andreu González - Inmaculada Palop - Ramon Cardo, Anna Trullàs, Nel i Sira Thanks to José Luis Cueto Gómez - Laura Guillén Alcaraz - Pau i Mariola Fuertes Cucarella - Peregrín Caldés Vidal - Juanjo Macian - Kei - Lluís M. Piqueras - Josep Lluís Valldecabres - Josep A. Casado - Carles Duarte - Pablo Manuel Fernández García - Jose Redondo - Pedro y Ana - Jesús Ribera Cumbreras - Óscar Abella - Kiko Juan Rodríguez - Maruan y Sara Shalabi Torres - Antonio Alba Izquierdo - Víctor Eloy López Cerezo - Enrique Lebrero - Patxi Tardío - Josep i Joel Tejedor Pérez - Jordi Griso - Beatriz Tramoyeres Aral & Agustin Albero Isern - Jose Vte. Miquel Marticorena - Germans Francesc J. i Timi Rodríguez - Javier Bonet - Patri Soler - Isidra López Cabezas - Vicent Jesús Albero - Nelo Juste - Loreto i Bernat - Maria Rubio y Vicent Boix - Xema Borràs - Roser Gómez - Romà Seguí - Natàlia Montañés Bori - Pablo Doval - Andreu Mechó Pérez - Xuso - Miguel Gallén - Xavi Boïls - Abrahán Guirao Romero - Alberto Urretxo - Pinkhorn - José Vicente Climent - Carmela y Bruno González Lacruz - Íñigo Remírez de Ganuza - Iñigo Sarasola - Miguel Ángel Tallante Pancorbo - Mónica Braga Ruiz - Alfonso González Barquín - Josep Fenollosa i Alfredo Fenollosa - Maite Gil - Jacint J Hernández - David Morales Montañés - Toni Morellá - Alamarcris - Carles Dénia - Luis Osca Gonzálvez - Anna Pitarch Cabrera - Eduardo Nogueroles - Pedro Gallén Ortega - Vicent Olmos López - Pere i Pau Boïls Olmos - Ángel Tejo - Salvador Ortiz Badal - Antonio Compés - David Pastor García - Daniel Puigcerver i Ribes - José Ramón Campos Sánchez - Miguel V. Pardo Alonso - Pau Moltó Biosca - Salvador Pons Boils - Vicent Colonques Bellmunt - Carmen Calatayud Alborch - Félix Etxeberria - Alejandro Cantos Sánchez - Margarita Moraño Ramírez - Consuelo GS - Judit Vilellas Camps - Ximo - Familia Andrés Riquelme - Emili Bayarri Ombuena - Salva López Micó - Javier Yera - Beatriz Ceniceros Rozalén - Juan M. Real - Jesús Tejada. Profesor de educación musical. Universidad de Valencia - Frederic Ibáñez - Víctor de Andrés - Miguel Ángel Berbis - Maria Goded Music Management - Pol Vilar Serra - Neus Pérez Polanco - Rafa Polanco, amic i seguidor del grup - David Taboada Rama - Ariadna Hurtado Ferriol - Manuel del Pozo Vallecas - Fco. Javier Gonzalo Ciria - Juan Carlos Ribelles - Tolo Serra Hernández - Paula Pilsa - Àngela Vilagran - Fábio Brum - Eduard X. Vendrell
Spanish Brass a Double Winner in the Carles Santos Valencian Music Awards12/18/2019Spanish Brass a Double Winner in the Carles Santos Valencian Music Awards Spanish Brass has won two prizes in the second edition of the Carles Santos Valencian Music Awards.The first of the prizes, in the Best Classical and Contemporary Music category, is for XXX, a CD released by Spanish Brass to celebrate the quintet's 30th anniversary. It includes pieces by J. S. Bach, Viktor Ewald, David Eccott, Jordi Griso, Victor Vallés, Voro Garcia, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Mariano Mores, Carlos Gardel, Omar Maderna and Emile Carra, among others.The second, in the Best Traditional Music category, is for the project Mira si hem corregut terres..., in collaboration with the guitarist and singer Carles Dénia.
Mira si hem corregut terres... new CD with Carles Dénia10/24/2019Spanish Brass has just released their CD "Mira si hem corregut terres…", recorded with singer Carles Dénia.
New crowdfunding campaign, Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules09/20/2019New crowdfunding campaign, Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules is a project in which Jules Verne’s tales are woven together, told with intriguing music by Albert Guinovart We are preparing a new recording work which we have been looking forward to for a long time, and finally we've found time and energy to bring it to fruition.And... we think this is a good moment to ask for your help and for you to become part of this wonderful project.By collaborating in crowdfunding, you will be a “producer” of this recording and it is also the best way to be sure you'll be one of the first to enjoy it. http://vkm.it/lesaventures
VI SBALZ International Composition Competition, registration period opened01/23/2019VI SBALZ International Composition Competition, registration period opened The VI SBALZ International Composition Competition is organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, Alzira Counciland Spanish Brass, to promote the creation of original music for brass quintet (2 trumpets, French horn, trombone and tuba), expanding the brass quintet repertoire and giving this music the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene. Works must be sent by May 15, 2019 at the latest. Download the rules
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019! - Bon Nadal i Feliç 2019! - ¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz 2019!12/20/2018https://youtu.be/zL0SNlRDBlU
New CD - XXX11/23/2018New CD - XXX Spanish Brass is working on its new recording project, XXX, to celebrate its 30 anniversary. You can order it before February 1 for a special discounted price on: sbedicions.com/producto/xxx
Abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Festival Spanish Brass Alzira05/23/2018¡Ya está abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Festival SBALZ 2018! www.sbalz.com El festival se celebrará del 3 al 7 de julio en Alzira (Valencia) y contará en las especialidades de trompeta, trompa, trombón, tuba y bombardino y música de cámara con los siguientes profesores: TROMPETA Jens Lindemann (Alemania): Es profesor de High Distinction en UCLA y dirige el programa de verano de viento-metal en el Banff Centre de Canadá. Fue miembro de Canadian Brass. Luis González: Solista internacional. Profesor del Musikene de San Sebastián y en el Conservatori del Liceu de Barcelona. Carlos Benetó: Miembro de Spanish Brass. Juanjo Serna: Miembro de Spanish Brass. MASTER CLASS: Patri Soler: Trompeta solista de la Banda Municipal de Barcelona. TROMPA Miklos Nagy (Hungría): Trompa solista de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Luxemburgo y miembro del Budapest Wind Ensemble. Nancy Joy (EE.UU.): Profesora asociada de la New Mexico State University y rompa solista de Las Cruces Symphony en la New Mexico State University y segunda trompa de la El Paso Symphony Orchestra y El Paso Opera Company. Javier Bonet: Trompa de la Orquesta Nacional de España y profesor de la ESMUC de Barcelona. Manolo Pérez: Miembro de Spanish Brass. TROMBÓN Jacques Mauger (Francia): Profesor del Conservatorio HEM de Laussane (Suiza) y solista internacional. Alberto Urretxo: Solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bilbao y profesor de Repertorio de Orquesta y Música de Cámara en el Conservatorio Superior de Euskadi (Musikene). Carlos Gil: Profesor del Conservatorio Profesional de Música José Iturbi de Valencia. Inda Bonet: Miembro de Spanish Brass. TUBA Y BOMBARDINO Arnaud Boukhitine (Francia): Profesor de Tuba del CNSM de Lyon. Vicente López: Catedrático del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Alicante. Sergio Finca: Miembro de Spanish Brass. MÚSICA DE CÁMARA Spanish Brass TALLERES George Foreman (EE.UU.): “Conferencia sobre Jules Levy y moderador en el Maratón del Carnaval de Venècia para corneta y piano de diversos compositores” Xavier Piquer: “Taller Brass-Apps, tecnología aplicada al estudio del instrumento” ¡Inscríbete ya en: www.sbalz.com!
V SBALZ International Composition Competition03/26/2018V SBALZ International Composition Competition The V SBALZ International Composition Competition, organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, seeks to promote the creation of original music for Brass Quintet, (2 trumpets, french horn, trombone and tuba) with the goal of expanding the repertoire and giving music for Brass Quintet the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene. This competition is open to composers from any country and to works in any style. Works should be sent to the Festival Office on June 1, 2018 at the latest. For further information: www.sbalz.com Download rules: Bases Concurso Internacional de Composición SBALZ 2018
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018! - Bon Nadal i Feliç 2018! - ¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz 2018!12/21/2017
Spanish Brass and Chano Domínguez have created a new show: Puro de Oliva07/07/2017Spanish Brass and Chano Domínguez have created a new show: Puro de Oliva Puro de Oliva is the title of a new show created by the Spanish Brass quintet and Spanish composer and flamenco-jazz pianist Chano Domínguez. This show received its world premier with great success during the closing concert of the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival (www.sbalz.com) on July 1st. For this show, Chano Domínguez composed a new piece for brass quintet and piano entitled Never Settle for the Oyster Light. The rest of the program consisted of other pieces by Chano that he arranged for Spanish Brass, piano and percussion, including Solo con verte, Mi Prima de Riesgo, De Cadi a New Orleans and Rumba Pa Jerry. This project was born from a meeting between Spanish Brass and Chano Domínguez, who attended a concert by the quintet near Seattle (USA). A magic connection emerged between the musicians that led them to decide to share experiences on stage.
Spanish Brass wins the 1st Comunitat Valenciana Musical Talent Bankia Prize06/23/2017Spanish Brass wins the 1st Comunitat Valenciana Musical Talent Bankia Prize Spanish Brass has won the 1st Comunitat Valenciana Musical Talent Bankia Prize in its category. This prize was promoted by the Federación de Sociedades Musicales de la Comunitat Valenciana to recognize Valencian talent. The jury gave the award to Spanish Brass for its interpretative excellence and for its work in expanding the contemporary brass repertoire and disseminating it around the world. The prize was presented to the quintet by Francis Montesinos, a Valencian fashion designer who had collaborated with the group many years ago. Spanish Brass shares the 1st Prize with Capella de Ministrers.
IV SBALZ International Composition Competition03/28/2017The IV SBALZ International Composition Competition, organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, seeks to promote the creation of Original Music for BrassQuintet, (2 trumpets, french horn, trombone and tuba) with the goal of expanding the repertoire and giving music for Brass Quintet the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene. This competition is open to composers from any country and to works in any style. Works should be sent to the Festival Office on June 1, 2017 at the latest. For further information: www.sbalz.com Download rules
Thanks for your support!01/19/2017Thanks for your support! Very special thanks to Colegio del Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Valencia e Inma Palop - Ajuntament de Benimodo. Regidoria de cultura - Fundación Siglo XXI - Juan Garrido – Asociación de Trombonistas de La Vall d’Uixó – Félix García Peñarubia – Hércules Brass Quinteto de metáis - Malaga Brass - Giralda Brass Quintet - S.M. Lira Castellonera - Matías López López - Quintet de Metalls Al Vent - Raquel Llopis - Vicent Ribera - Xavi Machí - Andreu García - Xavi/Ivana Boils - Gregory Fritze Spacial thanks to Carlos, Marlén, Maria i Pau - Viatges Guadassuar - Andrés Iglesias Prada, José Toledo Sahuquillo, Santiago Sopelana Sánchez Álvarez, Vicente Codoñer Álvarez y Carlos Canet Garcín - Mónica Campillo García - Mack Horton & Lisa Sapinkopf - Back to Brass – Púrpura Pansa - Belén Quirós Rodríguez - Vicente López Velasco - Celler del Roure - Neus Pérez Polanco - Véronique et Christian - Nancy Joy – Metall i Fusta-Taller del Metal - Restaurant Castillo - Maruan i Sara Shalabi Torres - Javier Bonet - Miguel Ángel Sarrió Nadal - Víctor Eloy López Cerezo - Andreu i Miquel Gracia Navarro - Tirant de Brass - Luis González - Luis Cueto Talabera - Permusic - Societat Musical d'Alzira – Daniel Portas González - Pilar Jurado - Peregrín Caldés Vidal - Valencia Cultural Point - Marcos Pinós - Rafael Más López - Josep Burguera Riera - Alain Lachaise - Coleto, Tere i Arnau - Yabel Fuertes Monzón - Josep i Joel Tejedor Pérez - Paco & Timi Rodríguez Vázquez (germans) – Mariola i Pau Fuertes Cucarella - Arts Gràfiques Garcia Besó - Eduardo Benetó Grau - José Suñer-Oriola - Salvador Pons Boils - Nitai Pons Pérez - Alvaro i Guillermo Manrubia - Nadia Giner - Olivia Montañés - Enrique Lebrero - Pablo Manuel Fernández García - Familia Andrés Riquelme - Xavier Briz - Mª Pilar Simeó – Alejandro Llobell - Le Dancing Pepa - Bea i Agustín - Rufo Volador Pravia - Ramon Cardo, Anna Trullàs, Nel i Sira – Rafael Villarreal - Josep Lluís Valldecabres - Patxi Tardío López - Alice Bastianoni - Miguel Arbelaiz San Román - Maria Rubio Navarro – Kei – Sergi - Jonathan Vázquez Carrera - Manolo "Amstrong de Vallecas" - Vicente Jesús Albero - Ángel Josep Pérez Ortega - Toni Morellá - Elisa Andreu González - Victor Vallés Fornet - Celestino Luna - Benjamín Moreno – Óscar Abella - Inma Cucarella - Antonio Alba Izquierdo Thanks to Pep Francés - Jose Vicente Climent – Perf - Patri Soler - Maria Puertas Malagarriga- José Ramón Serrano Andreu - David Rastrojo - Joaquín Mateo Prades - Fotos Paloma: Pamacor - Josep Payà - Miguel J. Martínez "VIRIATO" - Jose Sebastiá - Xavier Pastor i Picó - Paloma Cucarella - Vicente Alberola Baviera - Emili Bayarri - Lucia Murillo Francés - Pablo Doval Golmar - Rubén Zurdo López - Íñigo Sarasola - Héctor Andrés - Félix Pérez – Javier Martínez Guillén - Adèle Kleinpeter - Ximo Fuertes - Luis Martínez Martínez - Javier Barberá - Júlia Valdés - Alejandro Cantos Sánchez - Adán Delgado- Vera Fernández Canuto - José Martínez - Miguel Cervera Molina – Artirp Argente Puertos – Miguel Sansiñena Vergara - Carlos Piñeiro Pereira - Vicent Mengual Caudeli - Carles Ramon i Segarra - Familia Mascarell i Jorques – Xuso - Miguel Ángel Muñoz Cáliz - Vicente Giner Gil - Federico Moreno - Gaspar Montesinos - Eduardo Martínez Caballer - Joan M. Margalef Ayet - Titín Ibáñez - Borja Martínez Alegre - Jacint Hernández - Mónica Braga Ruiz - Eduardo Nogueroles - Christophe Sanchez - Pau Gisbert i Vert - Anna Pitarch Cabrera - Paula Pilsa - Jaume Gavilán Agulló - Giovanni Ferraro - Guillermo Böez - Laura Guillen i Miquel Cadevall - Nacha Soler - Juanjo Laudes - Víctor De Andrés - Jordi Navarro Martín - José Vicente Vila - Paco Montejano Carretero - Jep Grau Fontanals - Sergi Vanyã Peidro – Josep - Fernando Alía Castro - Ramon Cuenca Estruch – Enca – Uji Casanova Asa - Miquel Roger - Miguel Galdón- Christian García - Marta i Cabanes - Joan Carles Morales - Pau-Eric – Iván Plaus – Manel Bernabeu Mira – David Taboada Rama – Jesús Sanfélix Roig - Pau i Pere Boïls Olmos - Josep A. Casado Ismael Gamero Muñoz – Marta Aguadero - Asociación Musical Lira Urgavonense, Arjona (Jaén) - Felipe Fuertes - Íñigo Remírez de Ganuza - Rafa Llopis Part - Pablo Soler - Tolo Serra Hernández - Kiko Juan - Juan T. Laviós Berenguer - Agustín Alférez Rubio - Lorena Corma - Alfons Alcaraz - Marcela y Sebas - Loreto i Bernat - Martí Marsal Riera - José Manuel García Sampedro - Luis Osca Gonzálvez - Víctor Mira Jerez - Iván Sánchez Pérez - John Lynsdale-Nock - Fco Javier Gonzalo Ciria - Víctor Gámez - Paco Rodríguez - Enric Iborra - Judit Vilellas - Joan Valeriano Güell - Josep i Irene Bueno - Toni Jodar / BdDansa - Gaspar Sanchis – David Eccott – Consuelo González Santonja
Our newest CD, needs you!04/22/2016Our newest CD, needs you! Spanish Brass presents our new recording project, a DVD/CD devoted to our educational/family show, "Brass Brass Brass." The DVD/CD will be accompanied by a poster designed by our artist friend Rupert Hörbst, who will illustrate the show's choreography. If you are interested in collaborating with us on this project, please see more information at: www.verkami.com/locale/en/projects/14453
Brass Brass Brass at Teatre Micalet12/11/2015Spanish Brass plays Brass Brass Brass at Teatre Micalet Spanish Brass plays Brass Brass Brass at Teatre Micalet on December 19th at 7PM. For further information: www.teatremicalet.org Tweet
Interview for Radio Valencia - Cadena SER08/28/2015Interview for Radio Valencia - Cadena SER Sunday, August 30 13.25 hours. www.radiovalencia.es Listen to it (in Spanish)
II SBALZ International Composition Competition03/25/2015II SBALZ International Composition Competition Hello everyone, Due to the large number of pieces received (202) and to the process of reading and selection, we are forced to delay the result of works chosen for the finals until June 18. The process is being amazing but at the same time it is tough and long. The quality of some of the works is really extraordinary, so this second edition of the SBALZ Composition Competition will be a great success. Thank you for your pieces and four your patience. Obras recibidas II Concurso Internacional de Composición SBALZ The II SBALZ International Composition Competition, organized by the Spanish Brass Alzira Festival, seeks to promote the creation of Original Music for BrassQuintet, (2 trumpets, french horn, trombone and tuba) with the goal of expanding the repertoire and giving music for Brass Quintet the recognition it deserves on the chamber music scene. This competition is open to composers from any country and to works in any style. Works should be sent to the Festival Office on June 1, 2015 at the latest. Download rules
2014 Christmas Tour01/02/20152014 Christmas Tour November 303PM - 7th Day Adventist Church Brookings (Oregon)Friends of Music December 19 AM School concert Azalea Middle School de Brookings (Oregon) December 57 PM Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice (Florida) December 62 PM Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice (Florida)Community Concert Series December 7 3 PM Performing Arts Center, Tarpon Springs (Florida) December 91.30 AM Master Class St. Augustine High School, Jacksonville (Florida) December 1011 AM School concert Sebastian Middle School, St. Augustine (Florida) December 117.30 PM Lightner Museum, St. Augustine (Florida) December 133.30 PM National Gallery, Washington DC
SuBLiMe Christmas, new CD11/21/2014SuBLiMe Christmas, new CD “ SuBLiMe Christmas” is Spanish Brass Luur Metalls’ latest recording project, dedicated to Christmas works. The present recording is the happy result of the group’s successes touring the United States around Christmas time. While the selections include the Baroque composer Arcangelo Corelli's "Christmas Concerto" and the authentic Catalan villancico "Fum, Fum, Fum," the focus is on songs from the Anglo-Saxon countries, where Christmas music is perhaps has even deeper social roots than in the Mediterranean lands. Of special note are two modern American classics, "Christmas Time is Here" and "Linus and Lucy," by jazz pianist/composer Vince Guaraldi, both highpoints of his album "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Published in the mid-1960's, these are already indispensible parts of the North American Christmas heritage. Enjoy it! TweetTweet