Educational concert for school

Unexpected Tales


0. El Loco
I. El Mago – Trombón charlatán
II. La Sacerdotisa – Trompeta ingenua
III. La Emperatriz – Trompeta elegante
IV. El Emperador – Tuba imperial
V. El Sumo sacerdote – Cuarteto unísono
VI. Los Amantes – Dúo amoroso
VII. El Carro – Cuarteto pesante
VIII. La Justicia – Quinteto equilibrado
IX. El Ermitaño – Dúo profundo
X. La Rueda de la Fortuna – Trío repetitivo
XI. La Fuerza – Quinteto Potente
XII. El Colgado – Dúo vaivén
XIII. La Muerte – Dúo apocalíptico
XIV. La Templanza – Quinteto romántico
XV. El Diablo – Cuarteto repugnante
XVI. La Torre – Quinteto ascendente
XVII. La Estrella – Trío agudo y sordino
XVIII. La Luna –Trío medio
XIX. El Sol – Trío grave
XX. El Juicio – Cuarteto Brutal
XXI. El Mundo – Quinteto mundano
22. Caballo de Copas – Quinteto chulesco
32. Ocho de Espadas – Quinteto cortante


Spanish Brass, with the collaboration of the Valencian Music Institute, commissioned from composer Fernando Palacios a piece for brass quintet and narrator, “Relatos Imprevistos” (Unexpected Tales), geared to a youth and family audience. It was premiered on May 3, 2007 at the Auditori of Torrent (Valencia). One of SBLM’s main objectives and interests is to contribute to the music lives of kind of audiences, especially the possibilities of brass instruments for young people.

technical requirements

5 music stands
1 stool (for narrator)
Dressing rooms with mineral water
Sound and lighting: see rider

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